Friday, January 14, 2011

Little johnny

The  teacher in Johnny's school asked the class what their  parents
did for a living.

"Mary, what does your parents do?"
Lil' Mary replied "My dad is a lawyer and my mummy is a  nurse."
"Thats very nice," said the teacher,

"Robert, what do your parents do?"
Robert proudly exclaimed ,"My dad is a policeman and my  mom is a teacher!"
"Thats very nice," said the teacher  ,

"Johnny, what do your parents do?"
He stood up and pronounced, "My dad's dead and my mom's  a prostitute."
Naturally, after that remark,  he was sent to the principal's office
by the class  teacher.
15  minutes later, he returned to class.
"Did you tell the principal what you  said in class?" asked the teacher.
Johnny replied,
"Yes I told,  and he said that in our economy every job is important,
he then gave me an apple  and asked for my mother's  phone number."