Tuesday, June 13, 2006



 A young farm girl answers the door and sees an older neighbour there.

Girl: "My father isn't home, but I know what you want and I can help you. You want our bull to service your cow. Well, my father charges one hundred dollars for his best bull."

Neighbour: "That's not I want."

Girl: "We have a young bull who is just starting out. My father charges fifty dollars for him."

Neighbour: "That's not I want."

Girl: "We have an old bull out in the pasture. He can still do a job. My father charges only ten dollars for him."

Neighbour: "That's not what I want. I came here to see your father about your brother. Your brother Elmer made my daughter pregnant!"

Girl: "Oh. You'll have to see my father about that because I don't know what my father charges for Elmer."