Friday, June 16, 2006

XXX - Jokes - the colorful variety

A cardiologist marries a gynecologist and were
blessed with twin girls. Guess what they name them - Angina and
Two sperms are swimming really hard and one
asks, "Are we almost at uterus?." "Nah!" says the other, "we just
passed the tonsil".

**** A prostitute goes to deposit a $100 bill in a
bank. The teller says, "Sorry, madam, the note is fake". "Oh
no!" exclaimed the prostitute, "I have been raped".

**** A woman gave birth to six babies and on seeing
this she got out off hospital bed and slapped her husband and shouted, "I
told you not to go doggy style".

Man went to the chemist to buy one fourth
Viagra. Chemist said that it would be useless. Man said, "I am 70,
sex is out of question, I just want to stop peeing on my shoes".

Secretary said publicly that you have a small
penis, would you comment on this? "The truth is that she
has a big mouth".

A Japanese girl accidentally lets out a big
fart after making love.
She said, "Aww, so sorry... exkooz me pleazo,Front
hole so happy back  hole laugh out loud".

What is common between a swimming pool and a
wife - for both we pay high maintenance for the little time we
spend in them.

Love is a complicated machinery.But sometimes
all you need is a good screw to fix it.

Sex is like a card game. If you don't have a
good partner, you better have a good hand.

What's the difference between biology and
When the baby looks like his dad or mom, the it is
biology. When the baby looks like the neighbor, then it is sociology.

What is the useless piece of flesh attached to
the penis called - The Man.

Whoever first said that "A dog is man's best
friend" had never seen a pussy before.

Why is breast milk good for health? Because
it is great for blood circulation, provides heat, is refreshing and comes
in attractive containers.

Dracula asked God, "May I be reincarnated as
a white angel with wings and still suck blood?" God said,
"Okay, I will turn you into a sanitary pad".

Why was two-piece bikini invented? To
separate meat section from the dairy section.

All men are terrorists. They always attack
women on their twin towers and destroy their pentagon.

Man was lying nude on the beach. A sexy babe
starts playing tabla on his butt. Man: What are you doing?
Girl: Playing tabla. Man turns over and says, "Can you play flute?"

Mother was scolding the daughter, "I don't like the guy you are going out
with. He is too dumb".
"No, momma," she said, "He is going to be a doctor
and he has already cured me of that illness that I used to have every