There are many phrases in English that use two words connected with 'and'.
For example, peace and quiet, fish and chips.
These expressions are known as binomials.
In these phrases the word order is usually fixed; we say 'peace and
quiet', we don't say 'quiet and peace'.
The following binomials are all noun phrases, although there are also
many adjective and verb phrases that are binomials.
Noun and noun:
Many binomials combine words which are similar or closely connected in meaning:
Peace and quiet: freedom from noise and disturbance
He sent his children to the park so that he could have some peace and quiet.
Life and times: the story of someone's life, especially in its social context
I'm reading a book about the life and times of Winston Churchill. It's
Law and order: the maintenance of a good society because people follow
the laws and criminals are caught and punished.
After the war there was a serious breakdown in law and order. It has
taken a long time for the police to gain control of the situation.
Other binomials refer to things that are closely or frequently connected:
Fish and chips: the popular and traditional take-away food in Britain
I can't be bothered to cook, I'll go and get some fish and chips.
Salt and vinegar: the condiments or flavourings that are often had with chips.
Do you want salt and vinegar on your chips?
Pros and cons: the advantages and disadvantages of something; the
things for and against something.
What are the pros and cons of capital punishment?
Rhyme and alliteration:
Many binomials combine words that rhyme:
Odds and sods: a collection of small and unimportant things.
Odds and ends has the same meaning.
I've done all the important building work; I've just got the odds and
sods left, you know, like fitting the door handles.
Hustle and bustle: a lot of noise and activity
I love the hustle and bustle of city life. I'd get bored in the countryside.
Many binomials use alliteration. This is when the sounds at the
beginning of the words are similar.
Rest and relaxation: a time of inactivity, for example when on holiday
The doctor said I need some rest and relaxation; I've been working too hard.
Trials and tribulations: the difficult challenges that we face in life.
Remember, while marriage is a wonderful thing, it also has its own
trials and tribulations, which you both have to survive.
Grammar words:
Many binomials combine grammar words such as prepositions and conjunctions.
Ups and downs: the good and bad times in life
The ups and downs of life are similar all over the world, but people
react differently to them.
Ins and outs: the details and fine points of something.
I don't know all the ins and outs, but it seems the Prime Minister has
made a serious mistake.
Down and out: a homeless and jobless person. This is also often used
as an adjective.
Did you see the poor down and out sleeping in the park? Should we tell
the police about him?'
Ifs and buts: the reasons why someone doesn't want to do something;
their objections
Whenever we try to change the work routines, the workers have so many
ifs and buts that we never manage to change anything.
Many common binomials are referred to by an abbreviation of the initial letters.
R and R: rest and relaxation
I'm going on a 2 week beach holiday. I really need some R and R.
P and P: postage and packing - usually seen when you buy something
that needs delivery.
You know you want to buy that bicycle over the Internet? Did you check
that the price includes P and P?
R and D: research and development - usually a department in an
industrial business.
Sony has a very strong R and D division: that's why they keep coming
up with new products.
Enjoy English!