Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fwd: Law of equality ?

Normally a Man speaks 25,000 words Daily & Woman speaks
30,000. But the Problem starts When Husband comes Home after
finishing his 25,000 words Wife starts her 30,000 - Law of
equality ?

The time taken by a Wife when she says I'll get
ready in 5 mintes is exactly equal to the time taken by
Husband when he says 'I'll call you in 5 minutes!

Listening to Wife is like reading the terms & conditions
of a website. You understand Nothing, still you
click "I Agree"

I argued... She argued .... I shouted ..... She shouted
- and then she Cried. Result: she won by Duckworth Lewis

Chess is the only game in the world, which reflects the
status of the husband. The poor king can take only one step
at a time ..... While the mighty queen can do whatever
she likes ----------

All Men are Brave, Horror Movies don't Scare them ....
But 5 Missed Calls from Wife .... surely does