Naughty Laffs...Adult
Shakespeare happened to be walking in Hyde Park when he observed a
young couple having sex behind a bush. As it happened a policeman
arrived and arrested the couple. Shakespeare as the main witness was
summoned to court.
The judge said "Mr Shakespeare what did you observe". "Well me lord"
said Shakespeare, "they were f*^king". The judge was shocked at his
language and siad "Mr Shakespeare, this is a court of law and with
your command of the English language, surely you don't have to put it
in such base terms."
"Sorry me lord" said Shakespeare, "give me a minute." Then he said "
let me put it poetically":
"Her frock was raised
Her arse was bare
His balls were dangling in the air
His you know what
Was in her you know where
And if that wasn't f*^king
Then I wasn't there"