Thursday, May 25, 2006

Written by a MP at the Parliamentarians English Exam (PEE)

This is a true transcript of an essay written by a M.P. at the Parliamentarians
English Exam (PEE). As many Parliamentarians failed it, PEE is not
done in Parliament anymore.

The Sri Lanka Elefant

There is a three Sri Lanka elefants. One is a home elefant. Two is a
val elefant. Three is a UNP party animal.

The elefant has 4 leggs. Elefant has long thrunk hanging between. 2
white iworry tasks some have on both side of hanging thrunk. These
iworry is very moneyful. Some bad men rape the val elefant to get
iworry and sell for money.

Elefants like to eat banananas, bunns,
gnanakathas, like that. It like to drink
milk and toddy two. Like you and other
people elefants send extra food out to
the world from the behind of the
backside, at the back.

Elefants have tails. This is to move the
fly. Some time elefant is moving tail
this way that way but fly is not going

Elefant never forgets. One storey I tell
you, one day one man pulling elefants
tail hard and run away. You know no, how elefant. 50 years after
pulling tail, man as died. When the dead man is going to the kanatta
our elefant is going near the mini box and lifting his tail, do large
dung and going away � elefant very remember what man did know.

Elefants are vary istrong. It can puss
trees. It pusses and pusses and the tree downfalls. Elefant is
conthrolled by manout man. Manout man is using tall
hooker to pull Elefant�s ear and he
sometimes pulls Elefant�s leg also. But Manout man love Elefant and
puts his bananana in Elefant�s mouth if he is good.

Zoo elefant can dunce. Zoo Elefant can
dunce and play his own organ. It also can shit on its stool. If you
give money zoo elefant will take you for a ride down garden path.

Elefant is large gift to people of
SriLanka. We must look after our elefant, then we can use elefant to
do things on the fields, in the jungle, in the zoo � also then we can
have lots of baby elefants. Then we can ex-fort elefants to other
cunttrees and be povertyless.