Tuesday, December 04, 2012


Humpty Dumpty sat on the bed,
Little Bo Peep was giving him head,
As soon as he came she started to weep,
She knew by the taste he'd been screwin' her sheep.

A guy walks up to a woman and begins staring at her legs.
He says,
"You have very nice legs."
While blushing, the woman thanks him and asks for his name.
The man says,
"My name isn't important," and continues staring at her legs.
He looks up at her face and says,
"You have extremely nice legs. What time do they open?"

The nymphomaniac said to her friend,
"I've got an odd problem every time I sneeze, I have a incredible orgasm."
Her friend asks,
"What are you doing about it?"
"Sniffing pepper!"