Sunday, March 04, 2012

Ah, the Australian Genie

Two Arab terrorists are in a locker room, taking a shower after their bomb
making class in Melbourne, when one notices the other has a huge cork stuck
in his bum!

If you don't mind my asking said the second, 'That cork looks uncomfortable.
Why don't you take it out?'

'I regret I cannot', lamented the first Arab. 'It is  permanently stuck in
my bum.'

'I  do not understand,' said the other.

The first Arab explains, 'I  was walking along Russell Street and tripped
over an oil  lamp.
  There was a puff of smoke and a huge old man  in an Australian Flag
attire, with a white beard and Akubra hat came boiling out.

He  said, 'I am Captain Aussie, the Genie. I can grant you one wish only...'

I  said, 'No shit?'

God  Bless Australia