Monday, January 22, 2007


A student of Philosophy asked his professor in America via email, "What is
the correct definition of Globalization ? "

The answer was, 'Princes Diana's death'.

Question: How come ?

Answer: An English princes with an Egyptian boyfriend had a fatal crash in
a French tunnel, while traveling in a German car with a Dutch engine,
driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whisky having being followed
closely by Italian paparazzi, on Japanese motor bikes, and were treated by
an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines.

This (reply) is sent to you by an American teacher, using Bill Gates'
technology, and you are reading this on your computer that uses Taiwanese
chips and a Korean monitor assembled by
Bangladesh workers in a Singapore
plant, transported by
Pakistan lorry drivers, uploaded by Sicilian
longshoremen, and trucked to you by Mexicans and read by people around the

So, friends this is Globalization. Hope you enjoyed reading this, and tell
this to your friends as well so that they can know the real meaning of