Wednesday, December 23, 2009


1.       ALTERNATIVE medicines take flight

2.       AIRPORT - shoe removal becomes mandatory

3.       ANTIVIRUS – Daily Vitamins for survival

4.       APPs  - always there for everything you need

5.       AGING - They are hooked on slowing it down

6.       BLACKBERRY was only a fruit ten years ago

7.       BLOG for a living

8.       BOOK CLUBS grab the Publishers (thanks to Oprah)

9.       CABLE News kills Network News

10.   CLIMATE CHANGE will freeze us all

11.   DIGITAL CAMERAS exterminate the film roll

12.   CELEBRITY CULTURE comes alive

13.   CELL PHONES are a part of the dress code

14.   CHEFS are hot

15.   CONNECTED – that's what you are, all of the time

16.   COUGAR comes to town

17.   CROCS, the shoes you love to hate

18.   DANCE mania hits across TV

19.   DATING Online is Hip

20.   DVR'ing is a Verb. Who needs a TV program guide anymore?

21.   EMBARASSMENT ENTERTAINMENT takes over the funnies

22.   ERP – Even the corner store wants one

23.   FACEBOOK is everyone's early morning prayer

24.   FAT becomes the enemy of the State

25.   FOODIE's galore – Even the Prez is one now

26.   GOING GREEN – Yep, that's where we are going

27.   GOOGLE – You just can't search anything without it

28.   GPS – Never get lost anywhere



31.   IPOD – A hundred million singing along

32.   MUSICALS are back

33.   ORGANIC is here to stay, big time

34.   PHISHING – Doesn't need a rod and line

35.   PREGNANCY CHIC – showing the bulge

36.   REALITY TV – The real thing, live

37.   RECESSION – an old word with many new flavors

38.   SEXTING – Cell Phone + Camera

39.   SPAM – Everyone understand what it means now

40.   STARBUCKS – How can you not be an addict?

41.   TATTOOS – skin tight

42.   TEXTING – new age lingo

43.   PLASMA – Big is beautiful

44.   TWEEN CULTURE – an expensive pastime for parents

45.   TWEETS – that old birdie is back, again

46.   WAR is necessary

47.   WII – Don't ask me why

48.   WIKI – Mother of all Copy n Pastes

49.   YOGA – Bend, bend,  bend

50.   YOUTUBE – You gotta see to believe