Wednesday, January 25, 2012

XX Confucious Say:

Confucius Say
The best time to go to the dentist is tooth hurty.

Confucius Say
ArtifIcial Insemination is procreation without recreation.

Confucius Say
The useless skin around a penis is called "a man".

Confucius Say
It is better to lose a lover than love a loser.

Confucius Say
A single fact can ruin a good argument.

Confucius Say
An Arch Criminal is one who robs shoe stores.

Confucius Say
The best way for university student to turn their life completely
around is to get 90 degrees.

Confucius Say
The worst thing about oral sex is the view

Confucius Say
An old grave digger is called an Elderberry