Why are wives more dangerous than the Mafia?
The mafia wants either your money or life...
The wives want both!
Marriage is like a Public Toilet.
Those waiting outside are desperate to get in & Those inside are
desperate to come out.
No Man Can Ever Be Satisfied
with 4 things in life.
(1) Mobile
(2) Automobile
(3) TV
(4) Wife
Because there is always a better model in the neighborhood.
Searching these keywords on Google : `How to tackle wife?'
Google search result :
`Good Day Sir, Even we are searching`.
Compromising does not mean you are wrong and your wife is right. It
only means that the safety of your head is much more important than
your ego!
A friend recently explained why he refuses to get to married. He says
the wedding rings look like miniature handcuffs.
It takes thousand workers to build a castle, million soldiers to
protect a country,
but just one woman to make a Happy Home --------- A Good Maid!
Funny quote on a husband's T-Shirt : All girls are devils, but my wife
is the queen------------
of Them